Invoke System is a server-wide event that players can join at any given time.
To apply for the event you talk to an NPC located in each of the major cities (see the first teaser site for more information about these NPCs), if your alignment is different from the one you are applying for you will have to pay a fee of 10,000 magnetites, moreover your alignment will move closer to the alignment you applied for.
If you apply for the same alignment as the one you are of, you won't have to pay any magnetites and your alignment won't change.
In your alignment chart, there is an Invoke bar informing you about the remaining time you have for Invoke (total of 2 hours) and the alignment you applied for.
You have two hours to hunt as many demons as possible. This can be virtually any demon that is not of too high or too low level compared to the level of your character. (estimated to be around 45 level difference)
If these conditions are met, the demon will drop an emblem. There are three kinds of emblems to pick up, emblem of Lily, emblem of Dogwood and emblem of Lotus. (see the Invoke header to see how they look like)
Alignment of the target does not matter and the player will obtain the corresponding emblem regardless.
Emblems are not a guaranteed drop, in fact they are quite rare (about as rare as IC chips), players with low luck stat may struggle to obtain dozens let alone hundreds.
After your 2 hours run out you can either wait for 18 hours to join again (cooldown countdown is shown in the Invoke GUI)
or you can buy an Invoke Update (a premium consumable) to refresh the cooldown and join Invoke War again.
Either way, after this period the game will calculate which alignment had bagged the most kills. (every monday) Depending on the alignment that has won the war, an ultimate boss will appear randomly in the field.
These bosses are either Lakshmi, Gurr, Tokisada, Yurlungur, Vasuki or Kartikeya.
They aren't particularly strong, having only around 40k hp or below, so they should not be much of a problem even for players who lack endgame gear.
Bosses will appear in their own zone, Shinagawa for Law, Nakano for Neutral and Ueno for Chaos. These bosses will drop their own plug-in. (low odds)
After the boss is defeated he will respawn elsewhere in the zone after 1 real time hour has elapsed (indicated by system message if you are in the area) and will keep doing so for the next week. (until next monday when the kills will be counted again)
Emblems can be exchanged for a variety of items and buffs, see the following:
100 Emblems - 30 minute buff for +30% XP for your demon. (this buff is applied the moment you turn in your emblems)
150 Emblems - 30 minute buff for +30% XP for player character. (this buff is applied the moment you turn in your emblems)
300 Emblems - 30 minute buff +30% Expertise. (this buff is applied the moment you turn in your emblems)
600 Emblems - Summoning Orb for any of the 6 bosses. (see the header for pictures)
15,000 Emblems - An extra for the corresponding alignment (see the header for pictures)
Summon Orb
These items can be used within the designated dungeon to summon the appropriate boss. (each boss needs to be summoned in a specific dungeon for the orb to work)
Each of these extras gives +10% Damage vs the other two alignments.
As in the Proof of the Neutral One extra gives +10% Damage vs Law and Chaos.
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