New NPC – Yagimiya appered in all major cities:
Home 3 X:18 Y:20
Sinjuku Babel X:19 Y:20
Souhonzan X:16 Y:23
Arcadia X:20 Y:25
Protopia X:28 Y:20
This NPC gives you permission to enter new instance every hour and battle there with waves of mobs for 5 minutes. For killing every enemy you’ll get random rewards, which will store in special “destiny” depo. Sometimes big enemies appers there, like Black Frost and Jack Frost – killing them gives a chance to get 200 stack of mags/macca. Usually also spawns big Mou Ryou – you need kill him fast, or either way he will clear your destiny depo from items you collected. In other hand you need protect big Will O Wisp .
After battle you can talk to Yagimiya and get random item from destiny depo, 1 of 100 (you need fill whole depo to get an item).
Yagimiya also sells CP items and exchanging points you earn:
Destiny dart (100CP) allows you to choose 1 item from your destiny depo.
Destiny gold medal (5cp) allows to get one more random item from destiny depo.
Destiny silver medal, allows to get one more random item from destiny depo (non-trade, you can get it from giveaways or by gathering points from killing mitamas in instance and protecting big Will O Wisp).
You can use these items in the menu:

For doing Destiny runs every day Yagimiya will give prizes:
1 day: +50% xp inc (1- day, player)
2 days: +50% xp inc (1- day, demon)
3 : Jack Card
4 : Ripened Watermelon (1m xp, player)
5 : 10 Jewel Boxes
6 : Queen Card
7 : Mandara Carrot (1m xp, demon)
8 : x3 xp inc (demon)
9 : King card
10 : x24 card
List of all Destiny prizes you can check here: http://www.megatenonline.com/special/destiny.html
Also once a day Yagimiya gives buff +25 to all stats for player and demon for 30 minutes.
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