Foreign Country in the Woods - Preface
"A mysterious girl that roams the fields of Suginami appears. A story of innocence is about to start..."___________________
___________________"A girl of an eerie feeling, does she wish for somebody's death ? ..."
"She wished for me to bring disaster upon someone ... her requests have no end however ...___________________
Foreign country in the woods is a major in-game event that was originally intended to be available only for a period of time but was adopted as permanent content due to popular demand.
The Preface is initiated by talking to Alice (x25y19 Suginami) she will direct players somewhere into the Nakano forest and disappear.
Afterwards, when players walk over at x17y17 of Nakano forest a cutscene will trigger, in which Setanta will appear and confront the player.
Players will be transported into a new area (Forest of Nakano - heavily fogged forest glade) and a battle will break out.
Defeating Setanta (reducing his HP low enough to be precise) will trigger another cutscene in which Scathach will interfere and Setanta will take his leave.
Following a conversation with Scathach, players will be pitted against more enemies, defeating them will make treasure boxes appear, these contain Panacea Fruit(1~3cnt, item #1 in the picture)
Players are then to talk to Scathach again or talk to Cait Sith to leave the forest.
Talking to Cait Sith (now located at x17y17 in Nakano) players may request entry into the forest again.
There they will meet Scathach who will agree to train the player. She will ask the player if they feel strong yet, answering either makes enemies appear, defeating these makes treasure that contains Panacea Fruits appear again.
Players can go train there however many times they desire, however each training session (only one encounter) requires players to re-enter the zone. (paying to Cait Sith each time)
Training options:
I feel strong - Spawns random of either Inugami, Shikigami, Pixie, Mou Ryo, Setanta, Momunofu, Datsueba, Cait Sith. If you aren't particularly confident in your strength don't even joke about selecting this option. These demons are past even Nightmare level.
Also pay attention to not missclick, doing so may be detrimental on newbie's mental health as you cannot leave the area until you defeat the enemies (save for traesto/resurrect on home point)
I don't feel that strong yet ... - Spawns the same enemies but considerably weaker, still be careful of them as they are still stronger than the regular variants and have very high aggro.
Prize Exchange
Alice and Dwarf will exchange a variety of prizes for Panacea Fruits, Akaedas and Lia Fáil fragments.
Panacea Fruit -
30 - Panacea Mark (small) * Talisman +1 Lng-r, Green heart item on the picture.
100 - Panacea Mark (medium) * Talisman +3 Lng-r, Green heart item on the picture.
100 - Knocker of Vermilion Flame
100 - Cait Sith of Vermilion Flame
100 - Pixie of Vermilion Flame
100 - Cu Sith of Vermilion Flame
200 - Panacea Mark (large) * Talisman +5 Lng-r, Green heart item on the picture.
300 - Setanta of Vermilion Flame
Akaeda[Red Branch] -
30 - Akaeda Symbol (small) * Talisman +1 Cls-r, Red heart item on the picture.
100 - Akaeda Symbol (medium) * Talisman +3 Cls-r, Red heart item on the picture.
100 - Bucca Boo of Vermilion Flame
100 - Kelpie of Vermilion Flame
100 - Fomorian of Vermilion Flame
200 - Akaeda Symbol (large) * Talisman +5 Cls-r, Red heart item on the picture.
300 - Maccha of Vermilion Flame
300 - Badb Cath of Vermilion Flame
300 - Titania of Vermilion Flame
300 - Cu Chulainn of Vermilion Flame
300 - Oberon of Vermilion Flame
300 - Kinki of Vermilion Flame
300 - Fuuki of Vermilion Flame
300 - Suiki of Vermilion Flame
Lia Fáil Fragment -
30 - Lia Fáil Mark (small) * Talisman +1 spell, Gray heart item on the picture.
100 - Lia Fáil Mark (medium) * Talisman +3 spell, Gray heart item on the picture.
200 - Lia Fáil Mark (large) * Talisman +5 spell, Gray heart item on the picture.
400 - Ongyo-ki of Vermilion Flame
400 - Morrigan of Vermilion Flame
400 - Queen Mab of Vermilion Flame
450 - Scathach of Vermilion Flame
Ireland Flowers (???) -
Unknown, possibly unimplemented.
* Vermillion Flame demons are regular demons with tiny bit higher stat, and an extra collaboration feature. (gains + stat if other Vermillion demons in party)
The only notable vermillion demon is Ongyo-ki, who is a regular variant of Ongyo-ki with higher stat. (but cannot be mitamaed)
And is likely easier to obtain than his plug-in variant which requires sheer dumb luck, while farming Lia Fáil Fragments requires only time and some macca.(4m)
All currency items cannot be traded.
Small and Medium talismans can be mixed with either 50,000 Mags or Gun/Sword/Magic reshape to upgrade it into a higher tier talisman.
Lia Fáil Mark (small) + 50,000 Mags = Lia Fáil Mark (medium) , 30% Success Rate
Lia Fáil Mark (small) + 5 Reshape Magic = Lia Fáil Mark (medium) , 100% Success Rate
Lia Fáil Mark (medium) + 50,000 Mags = Lia Fáil Mark (large) , 10% Success Rate
Lia Fáil Mark (medium) + 5 Reshape Magic = Lia Fáil Mark (large) , 100% Success Rate
Trading one full set of Talismans (small Akaeda + small Lia Fáil + small Panacea) to Grandma Tanaka (x21y19 Home 3) will merge them into a Shamrock talisman:
Shamrock (small) - Talisman +1 Lng-r/Cls-r/Spell +1% XP
Shamrock (medium) - Talisman +3 Lng-r/Cls-r/Spell +3% XP
Shamrock (large) - Talisman +5 Lng-r/Cls-r/Spell +5% XP
Shamrock can further be upgraded in Protopia armor shop into a necklace:
Shamrock Necklace(small) - Neck +5 Lng-r/Cls-r/Spell +5% XP
Shamrock Necklace(medium) - Neck +10 Lng-r/Cls-r/Spell +10% XP
Shamrock Necklace(large) - Neck +15 Lng-r/Cls-r/Spell +15% XP
* Shamrock Necklace(large) gives tremendous stat compared to other neck items, however it cannot be SIed SSed or Taroted.
All other talismans can be SSed and Taroted.
* All related items/Npcs seem to have some sort of connection to Irish/celtic mythology save for Panacea Fruit which is a fruit (named after a Greek deity) and an alchemy ingredient rumored to have unbelievable qualities and ability to heal any illness, Akaeda (literally a red branch) is most likely a reference of the Red Branch royal house from Irish mythology.
Lia Fáil is a coronation stone from Irish folklore and both Scathach and Cú Chulainn are important Irish mythological heroes.
Many Vermillion demons share a feature "Ulster" which is name of one of Irish provinces, said to be single-handedly defended by Cú Chulainn himself.
The exclusive spear given in the final quest is called "Spear of the Vicious Dog" likely a reference to Cu Chulainn as Hound of Ulster.
Note: the mags + small/med talis -> med/large talis item mixes can be brought to 100% success through the use of a blend etarna form Gambler Kino.
ResponderExcluirMeaning that the large necklace costs only 90 runs, 300k mags, and 1800 coins, instead of 600 runs. Given that a run takes less than 30 seconds plus load screens, it isn't that bad. OTOH losing neck SS is a nonstarter for most damage-oriented classes.
I just want to say that I've gotten all the pieces without paying a single macca.
ResponderExcluirCait Sith just never asked me for any money...I could enter and exit anytime.